A Personal Note on Unemployment

A Personal Note on Unemployment

Ever since I embarked on this AIxC path, I’ve had the opportunity to chat with many people. The amount of people I meet that have been laid off this year is eye opening. Just recently I found out someone I know was laid off this past Friday, months after they relocated and days before Thanksgiving break.

I hear a lot of frustration, fear and hopelessness in people.

I can relate as I know this feeling all too well.

Franco Bicycles

As some of you know, I started my own company 16 years ago. While it had some amazing highs, it also had some devastating lows. During one especially difficult period, I vividly remember a holiday season where my bank account hovered at the $0 mark, my credit cards were maxed out and the business was on the brink of failure. I went all-in on my business, no safety net, and paid the price.

As a son of of immigrant parents that never complain, I just hid it away from everyone and kept hammering away at things until I made it out. I didn’t have support because I made it hard for anyone to see support was needed.

I survived, but those types of experiences leave a mark, especially when you keep it to yourself. The price I paid was in the form of trauma - anxiety, depression and an alcohol dependency. Things I had never before experienced. They caught me off guard.

Riding Bikes on PCH

I don’t think of that period much these days, but when I do, I remember it like it was yesterday. I can still feel the winter air and the scent from those days.

I bring all this up to say that I can somewhat understand that hopeless feeling some of you may be having. I hear it in the voice and notes I get from those that have been looking for a job for 3 months, 6 months, over a year.

While on a run this weekend, I realized how fortunate I am during these holidays. I’m building AIxC and I’m thankful for the response and the opportunity I’m given to help people learn Ai tools. It’s then that I remembered how shitty it felt when I was going through it. How I borrowed money from my 7 year old’s piggy bank to clear out overdrafts that holiday season.

I decided that if I could do something to help, I would.

So with that in mind, if anyone finds themselves unemployed and looking to build out their resume with a new Ai skillset, one which I believe will be essential in the coming 1-3 years, I’ll extend 50% off my On-Demand course. Just use code: ALLSTORMSPASS. Good for the rest of 2023.

I’m not checking this in any way, so it’s an honor system in that regard. If you have a gig or freelance work, then congrats! This is for those that don’t have income coming in.

If that’s still too much, just shoot me a message - hector@dayda.studio. I’m happy to offer the On-Demand course for whatever price works for you, even if it’s free. No judgement here, I’ve been there or worse. I’d be happy to help.

Hope you have a great holiday with friends and family. All storms do pass.


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